Tuesday, January 28, 2014

Surviving The Drought

I can still clearly recall the time when we experienced a deficiency in water supply, that is called drought. It lasted for about a few months and we really had a hard time coping up because we have just survived the typhoon that first hit us. Drought occurs generally when a region receives consistently below average precipitation. Although droughts can persist for several years, even a short, intense drought can cause significant damage and harm to the local economy. It was also a time when I just started gardening in our house and It was very hard to use the water wisely because some of the flowering plants that I have needs ample of water.

During those times, I am thinking of using artificial plants on my landscapes instead of the natural ones, because of the fact that these artificial plants can not be affected by any calamities. I then decided to buy a drought tolerant plantings which are mounted in a commercial grade high density foam and topped with an assortment of decorative gravel and river stones. They are sold online at a reputable site and they also delivers or ships within 2-3 business days. ArtificialPlantsUnlimited.com is the online site where I bought those plantings, they also have skilled local artists who are making each arrangement to be slightly different, making sure applications with multiple plantings look as varied and realistic as possible.

Many natural plant species, such as cacti, have adaptations such as reduced leaf area and waxy cuticles to enhance their ability to tolerate drought. Gardening is not an easy hobby at all, yes it is fun but you must also exert effort and spend your time with it. As they say No pain, No gain. That is actually true, because you have to work for everything that you wanted in life. There are those easy ways but I assure you, in the end you will not be happy or be satisfied of the outcome.

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