Tuesday, January 14, 2014

Decorating Your Home with Artificial Fruits

Artificial plants are always the best, aside from the fact that they do not ever wither and die, another thing is that they do not have strong smell that can irritate one's allergic nose. They also do not need much of your attention and care, unlike the real ones do. With real plants, you have to make sure that you water them everyday with only the amount they needed for growth because if you put too much water they may also die. You also make sure to put them under the sun or to places where they can get enough sunlight, and from time to time dig some soil around it to make sure that the roots can also get some air, and lastly is to fertilize the plant for optimum growth.

Growing real plants can be really tedious, that is why for some people they rather buy those artificial ones in the market. Artificial fruit are also great for displays at home, especially because they do not spoil and rotten after a few days. Fruit table arrangements have been said to inspire budding artist painters since Middle Ages. So, why not use fake fruit as a three dimensional extension of this timeless trend? A simple display of fake mangoes in a tall glass vase can make a very notable design at home and commercial spaces by adding dimension through vivid shapes and tones. It is not just a trend but little by little these artificial plants and fruits became part of our homes.

Artificial plants, flowers, and fruits can give a very different feel to any environment. We give vitality and color to a room that can be very cold, especially if you put it in key locations such as a coffee or dining table, a corner of the room or the eaves of the window. You can find these artificial plants at any supermarkets, garden centers, department stores, florist and even online. The quality will depend largely on how they can look natural or false. Given their considerable length, it is worth investing a little more.

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