Monday, January 20, 2014

A Day at Mogambo Spa

Going to a spa after a stressful week can be very invigorating. There are actually a lot of benefits that we can get in these spa houses. Contrary to the general consensus, going to a spa is not a waste of money and time. A trip to a spa is not extravagance but instead it is a great way to De-stress. In this day and age where stress looms every second, you certainly need to have a short break to get away. A therapeutic massage will definitely relax and soothe you. you can just immerse yourself in a hot tub or a sauna or steam shower to wash away the worries even for an hour or so.

Therapeutic massages, facials, manicures and pedicures have it's psychological benefits. It can stimulate you mentally and physically. It can even increase your confidence and self esteem. It can also improve blood circulation and manage blood pressure. A body and mind that are free from tension and stress will be able to cope well with any sleeping order. One of the nicest spa that I recently discovered is the Mogambo Springs at Plantation Bay in Cebu Philippines. It is a health and relaxation spa unlike any other. It has keep up with it's tradition of offering simple pleasures with warm and friendly service. The spa's setting is uniquely charming, designed to resemble an 18th century Tokugawa Japanese village with it's own thundering waterfalls, creek and fog-like mist. Red Wood commercial planters can be seen on every part of the spa house.

They also offer detox programs that helps cleanse and purify the body, mind and spirit. You could free yourself from toxins brought by an unhealthy diet, the environment and life's pressure. Always remember that taking good care of your body and mind can help deter aging and will definitely help you look and feel young.

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