Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Choosing The Right Silk Flowers


There are multitude of different colors and sizes of Dahlias that could bring life and beauty back to your landscape at home. I enjoyed growing Dahlias because I could use them in many aspects of our landscape design, from low growing border plants to stately background plantings that may reach six feet in height. And when use in the house, it will definitely last for about a week. Dahlia plants grow in full sun, and they can tolerate must soil types, but prefer a sandy, well-drained, slightly acidic soil. These type of plant also needs fertilizer but make sure not to overfeed them, doing so will promote lots of foliage but not a lot of bloom and hand weeding is the only type of weed control that you could use, because using herbicides around your dahlias is a bit risky it might kill the plant itself.

Dahlia care is very simple but just like any other flowering plants, it will require your time and effort as well as daily maintenance to make sure that the flowers will fully bloom. These flowers might be very good to look at, especially when they are fresh but don't you know that there are also silk plants that are very much life like in appearance. Florist and other designers find silk flowers as a premier alternative to the costly fresh flowers. These costly fresh flowers could last for only a week compared to the artificial ones which could last for many years and still it's lifelike appearance would remain. One of the many floral arrangements that caught my attention after visiting a retail shop near our area is the Red Dahlia Spirit Arrangement, at first look I really though that its a fresh flower and it's color is as bright as the ones that I have at home.

These red dahlia spirit arrangement is the best seller at that store, because of it's high quality silks. They are using new silk technologies to make the floral arrangement nearly indistinguishable from the real thing and their wide selection of glass and ceramic vases with details like artificial flower and trimmed stalks for glass vases add to the effect. Why choose the costly fresh flowers when you can achieve the same look or results in your floral arrangements with just using the silk ones.

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