Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Turning To A Helthy Diet

Edible fruits have become a human's food source or sometimes a substitute for a full meal because of it's nutritional benefits especially for those who are health conscious. In botany, a fruit is a part of a flowering plant that derives from specific tissue of the flower, one or more ovaries, and in some cases accessory tissue. Fruits are the means by which these plants disseminate seeds. In particular, many of them that bear edible fruits have propagated with the movements of humans and animals in a symbiotic relationship as a means for seed dispersal and nutrition. Fruits account for a substantial fraction of the world's agricultural output, and some, such as apple and the pomegranate, have acquired extensive cultural and symbolic meanings.

Ever since childhood, I would always hear my mom saying that I should eat fruits and vegetables. At that time, I know that it is nutritious and my growing body needs it, but all I can see are chocolates, candies and junk foods. Now, that I have my own family and I'm trying to manage my weight a little bit, I have finally turned to fruit and vegetables as a healthy diet. Fruits and vegetables provides essential vitamins and minerals, fiber and other substances that are important for good health, they can also reduce the risk of cancer and other chronic diseases. Good thing is that my son loves fruits and vegetables, I don't have to scare him to make him eat. 

I made sure to place a basket of fruits at the dining table, not just for decoration but for our consumption. But lately, I have noticed that every morning there would be small bites on the fruits. The mouse are eating them at night when everyone is asleep or when nobody is around. So, I have decided to keep them in the fridge and replace it with an artificial mixed fruit centerpiece. And also, put some traps to catch those annoying little creatures. Now, I am sure that the fruits are safe and the freshness are preserved, while inside the fridge.

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