Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Plants For Home Improvement

There are many other types of plant that we meet every day, but we seldom recognize what plant is it, which family it belonged to or if it is an evergreen or deciduous. It is said that evergreen plants has leaves in all four season and it is always color green, while on the other hand deciduous means "falling off at maturity" or can also be "tending to fall off" and is typically used in reference to trees or shrubs that loses their leaves seasonally, and to the shedding of other parts or structures such as petals after flowering or fruit when ripe. The plant that I will be introducing today is a large genus of flowering plants in the Crassulaceae family (Crassulaceae are plants that store water in their leaves), native to the semi-desert areas of Central America, from Mexico to northwestern South America. The plant is known as Echeveria and was named after the Mexican botanical Artist Atanasio Echeverria y Godoy. 

Mostly species of Echeveria plant are well-known as ornamental garden plants that are drought resistant since they are capable of storing their own water and they do better with regular deep watering and fertilizing. No member of this family is an important crop plant, but many of these type of plants are popular for horticulture, many members of the plant have a bizarre intriguing appearance and are quite hardy, and needs only minimum care. Most can tolerate shade and some frosts, but some hybrids of these type of plant are less tolerant. When the winter time comes, the lower leaves of the plant will eventually wither and die first, and if not removed the shed leaves may decay, harboring fungus that can then infect the plant. After a few years the plants lose their attractive and compact appearance, thus, it needs to be re-rooted and propagated.

Good thing that nowadays, they were able to make an artificial plant of the Echeveria plant and it is great for indoor use. Designed and manufactured by Artificial Plants Unlimited, these 6" Wide Indoor Echeveria are perfect for any home settings and you won't have to worry about the shedding of the leaves and the watering of the plants, so you are assured that the plants will never loose it's beauty even after many years passed by.

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